Govt council is mandated to inform public...let's see if it does

Govt council is mandated to inform public...let's see if it does

Sponsor: - Govt council is mandated to inform public...let's see if it does.
Partial transcript of text/subtitles that appear in the vid (there may be unlisted gaps between the sentences):
' NH: According to RSA 651-E:3, the state's "INTERBRANCH CRIMINAL AND JUVENILE JUSTICE COUNCIL" is supposed to "Inform and engage the public." It's also tasked with a duty to "Foster effective communication." Imagine my surprise when I go to one of their subcommittee meetings in the state house complex...and experience more or less the opposite. '
has more details on RSA 651.
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This video has not been released into the public domain.
govt., government inform, public, state house, new hampshire, nh, transparency, stonewalling.

govt.,government,inform,public,state house,new hampshire,nh,transparency,stonewalling,
