Financial Success, Failure Doesn't Matter, You Only Have To Be Right Once

Financial Success, Failure Doesn't Matter, You Only Have To Be Right Once

It doesn't matter how many times you fail, you only have to be right once.
Over the past few months I have been working on building an automated trading program.
The building a Forex system that works project is now complete. I am very happy and proud of the outcome. (watch full playlist),
I think I've built something that is the closest to the holy grail as we are EVER going to find.
The settings are currently using very low risk and averaging a solid 15% monthly return.
Now a 7.5% return monthly will make you a millionaire through the magic of compounding returns. Watch this video to see exactly how simple it works,
Two options for you to follow Calculated Returns right now:
#1 Use your own MT4 broker with the Trade Copier,
#2 Managed account with FX Choice,
*risk used is 1.8x greater on managed accounts- return & drawdown will be 1.8x times greater.
I will be providing regular performance updates and more information on the site in the weeks and months ahead.

forex trade copier,managed accounts,
