Tekken 7 - quick matches [playing for fun] PC Asuka #3 + matchmaking netcode bug [noctis update]

Tekken 7 - quick matches [playing for fun] PC Asuka #3 + matchmaking netcode bug [noctis update]

my main asuka
asuka quick matches #3
many lose's at the end before matchmaking bug that matches not found. tekken 7 latest pc update (noctis patch maybe ?) broke the netcode or something. closing tekken in the task manager and then restarting tekken 7 and then it maybe works. hoever i did test it and it happened again and i can confirm that the latest noctis patch broke the matchmaking netcode
35:11 is time for the matchmaking netcode bug and about 20 minutes no finging any matches. hope UE4/tekken/nvidia will be fixing the pc problems in the future becuase these kind of problems are really bad and annyoing!
tekken mix is made by me
i am learning how to be a better asuka player
my favourite asian asuka players are dimeback, okay and sline asuka :)
thanks for watching!
Shinjuku Cafe

tekken 7,tekken 7 asuka,tekken 7 asuka quick match,tekken quick match,tekken quick matches,tekken 7 shinjuku cafe,tekken 7 asuka kazama,shinjuku cafe,tekken 7 noctis patch,2018,matchmaking,tekken 7 ma
