Maine on the lookout for ticks that cause red-meat allergy
The Pine Tree State is the latest to grapple with the risk of an unusual adult-onset allergy to red meat, CBS affiliate WGME in Portland, Maine, reports. The culprit is a small arachnid: the lone star tick. Griffin Dill, a pest management specialist with the University of Maine Cooperative Extensio
[Title], lone star tick, maine, disease, rocky mountain spotted fever, red meat allergy, tick-borne, illness , a-gal, alpha gal, ehrlichiosis
#lonestartick, #maine, #disease, #rockymountainspottedfever, #redmeatallergy, #tickborne, #illness, #agal, #alphagal, #ehrlichiosis
The Pine Tree State is the latest to grapple with the risk of an unusual adult-onset allergy to red meat, CBS affiliate WGME in Portland, Maine, reports. The culprit is a small arachnid: the lone star tick. Griffin Dill, a pest management specialist with the University of Maine Cooperative Extensio
[Title], lone star tick, maine, disease, rocky mountain spotted fever, red meat allergy, tick-borne, illness , a-gal, alpha gal, ehrlichiosis
#lonestartick, #maine, #disease, #rockymountainspottedfever, #redmeatallergy, #tickborne, #illness, #agal, #alphagal, #ehrlichiosis
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