Possible Scam or At The Very Least Annoying Marketer

Possible Scam or At The Very Least Annoying Marketer

After receiving several emails from William Blattner, admin@smartlifestyleblog.com, about a free offer, I did not get the free offer. His link led to an email capture page and when I entered my email, it said the email list was not valid. He was sending me emails to my email address so I knew it was not my email. I sent him a reply that the link was broken and did not receive an answer after 2 days. I went to the site address on his email and was required to enter my name and email. I did and it said the site was not valid. I am not sure what was happening with him, but I could not get the resource he promised.

possible scam,does not give free offer,broken links,does not answer emails,
