Coconut truffles coated with Chocolate | Truffles without condensed milk | 4 ingredients recipe

Coconut truffles coated with Chocolate | Truffles without condensed milk | 4 ingredients recipe

For truffles,
1 & ½cup of grinded coconut
1 cup sugar
½ cup milk
For coating truffles,
100gms of compound chocolate
2tbsp milk
1)In a sauce pan, add grinded coconut , sugar , milk and mix well.
2) Mix the mixture so well on medium to low flame, till sugar dissolves and after a couple of minutes the mixture holds shape.
3)Now make spherical shapes from the mixture when it's still warm.
4) refrigerate the spherical truffles in the freezer for about 15-20mins.
5)make a ganache by adding chocolate and milk into a double boiler.
6)Now dip your spherical truffles in the ganache and set it on a greezed plate or tray.Now to the freezer untill it sets up.

Coconut truffles coated with Chocolate | Truffles without condensed milk | 4 ingredients recipe
